7 tips to keep color treated hair healthy 


Have you considered dyeing your hair but you’re scared your hair will fall out? Or dry out? Or both?! 

Color is fun and all but we must remember it is a chemical service that can alter your hair if not applied and/or maintained properly. 

If you’re thinking about color, I recommend consulting with a professional. There is science to hair color so if you want to avoid a bad dye job, find a trained stylist who knows which color process will be best for your individual hair type and texture.  

Don’t even try to save money or do a quick fix with box dye. The problem with box dye is it’s marketed as a one size fits all, one step and you’re done product. When has a quick fix done anyone’s hair good?... I’ll wait haha

 Who knows what in the ingredients of the box dyes? Some colors like black or henna get stuck into the hair strands and are hard to lift out even years later. So if you’re looking for a change from black you will have to cut your hair!! In some instances, trying to lift box dye out with bleach can even push the color in more or melt the hair!! 

Now that I’ve scared you away from box dye and you’ve chosen to see a professional colorist, how do you maintain the awesome color and health of your hair after you walk out of the salon?

7 Tips to Keep your Color Treated Hair Healthy:

  1. Use Color Safe Shampoos and Conditioners 

Okay, you’ve just spent $100+ on your hair color and you want to use a $2 drugstore shampoo and conditioner to maintain your hair?! Come on now. 

Your hair color is an investment so you must tend to it as such. Ask your stylist which products they would like to recommend. Hair color brands always have a shampoo and conditioner that is formulated for their color line, so that’s usually your safest choice. 

Moisture Shampoo
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Moisture Conditioner
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2. Pre-poo before shampooing. 

A pre-poo is a treatment you do before shampooing your hair. It helps protect the hair during the shampooing process which can strip the hair of not only your color but your natural hair oils, leaving the hair dry and fragile. Protect your hair by applying a natural oil like Argan or Olive oil on dry hair, cover it with a plastic cap for about 30 mins, then rinse lightly and shampoo. Your hair will be left soft, manageable and vibrant.

Amethyst Oil
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3. Keep Your Hair Cuticles Closed 

During the color process, your hair cuticles are opened up so that color molecules may be placed inside the hair strand, changing the appearance of your color. If the cuticles are not properly closed after processing then new color molecules will quickly bleed out of the hair strands, causing your color to quickly fade.

Opt for a more acidic shampoo and conditioner that will lower the hair's PH and close those cuticles locking in the hair color for longer. 

Always use cooler water on wash days to keep the hair cuticles closed when shampooing. Hot water lifts the cuticles allowing color and your money to go down the drain. 

Side note: The less you wash hair the longer the color will last. So if you can try and stretch between your wash days. 

4. Use a leave in conditioner on non wash days.

Hair dye does have the potential to dry out your hair if you are not tending to it and dry hair definitely leads to breakage. If you're curly, your hair is already naturally dry so you must be extra diligent on moisturizing your strands. Use a leave in conditioner in between wash days to ensure your hair is quenched.

Emergency Miracle Treatment
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5. Don’t skip on deep conditioners

Deep conditioners are crucial to healthy color treated hair. After your color service waits about a week then apply a protein deep conditioner. This will allow the hair to get back strength after processing. The following week, opt for a moisturizing conditioner that will make your hair soft to the touch.

Deep Repair Treatment
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6. Avoid Hot Tools

Heat is not your friend if you have color treated hair.  Hot tools will lift the color prematurely and dry out the hair. Use heat free options to curl and straighten your hair. If you can’t skip the heat use the lowest setting possible for your hair texture. 

7. Avoid chlorine and too much sun exposure 

We all love summertime but you have to be cautious with your colored tresses. We’ve all seen the sad green blonde after a day in the pool. Or the faded color after a day spent in the sun. You can always use a hat on sunny days and coat hair with a conditioner before jumping in the pool.

Le Deux
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In summary, color doesn’t have to hinder your hair goals if you know how to properly care for it. Use these 7 easy steps and your hair will definitely thrive and your hair color will last until your next appointment!

What are some tricks you use to maintain your color treated hair?