Is My Curly Hair Damaged?

Curly hair is the MOST fragile hair texture.

Each bend and whirl of the strand leaves the hair vulnerable to breakage and damage.

The hair cuticle is the outer layer of the hair strand that acts as a shield and protects the hair cortex.

When hair is damaged, that cuticle layer becomes cracked or stripped in certain areas.

This is a problem because damaged, unhealthy hair can’t retain moisture, is more difficult to manage, and appears frizzy, dry, and dull.

Here are a few signs that your curly hair may be damaged and how to get it back on track:


If your hair constantly feels dry, damage to the cuticle layer may be to blame. When the hair’s cuticle layer is damaged, moisture can easily escape, leading to a brittle or straw-like hair texture. You may even notice when you try moisturizing your hair, it isn’t able to retain it.

In order to combat dryness, it’s important to use an oil after hydrating your hair with a moisturizing deep conditioner or leave in. Use a lightweight oil like the Amethyst Oil to seal in your products for better moisture retention. A light weight oil is crucial for preventing product build up, which can also lead to dryness.


Damaged hair is prone to breakage, and you may notice and short, uneven pieces as you detangle. When you experience breakage, it's likely due to a lack of elasticity, meaning the hair is in a fragile state and cannot stretch much without breaking.

Use a hair mask once a week to help the integrity of your hair. Deep conditioners provide layers of protection and hydration for hair that is over-processed, dry, or lacking strength and elasticity.

Hair needs a balance of protein and moisture to be healthy. The Deep Repair Treatment uses both keratin (the protein in hair) and long lasting moisture to improve hair elasticity.

Split ends

If your hair begins to fray, your ends are constantly dry, tangled or thin out, you likely have split ends. Booking a trim once a season can help eliminate the damage. Cutting split ends will not only remove damage but allow the hair to continue growing in healthy and stronger for better length retention.

Excessive Tangling

When the cuticle layer is disrupted, strands of hair are more likely to get caught on other strands, which can lead to excessive tangles.

A moisturizing leave-in conditioner, like the Emergency Miracle Treatment will provide conditioning properties that will provide the hair with enough slip to help you gently detangle. A leave-in will also help smooth and hydrate the hair to keep it protected from further damage or dryness.


Hair with damaged cuticles will lack the shininess that come from a smooth cuticle layer and properly moisturized hair.

Dull hair can be caused by pollution, UV rays, product buildup, hard water, and more. Excessive product buildup can also lead to scalp irritation, dryness and breakage.

Combat dullness and buildup by using a gentle clarifying shampoo like the Volume shampoo to detox your hair and scalp from pollutants. Use a clarifying shampoo at least once a month to reset your hair.

Curl Revival System
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Hair ConcernsMirna Norales