What is Hair Elasticity?

We all know that curly hair comes in a wide range of ringlets, spirals and coils.

And we all know that shrinkage is REAL.

Have you ever grabbed your curl and stretched it, just to see how long your hair was?

Then once you let go of that curl, it bounces right back into its place...

That's your hair's elasticity!

Why is Hair Elasticity Important?

Hair elasticity is important because it is the capability of your hair to stretch and return to its previous form without breaking. Just like a rubber band.

Healthy hair has a high level of elasticity giving the hair body, bounce, and curl formation.

You can thank hair elasticity for your curls' definition and retention when you're styling your hair with rollers, hot tools, etc.

If you have low hair elasticity, your curls are more stretched out and stringy than tight spirals. You may also find it harder to style your hair as it loses it's shape quickly.

What affects Hair’s Elasticity?

Moisture has a lot to with the ability of your hair to stretch and bend. Dry hair when stretched is more fragile and prone to break than hair that it properly moisturized.

Protein is vital in hair health and elasticity. Protein provides strength and protection to the hair allowing the hair strand to withstand manipulation during styling.

Hair Elasticity Test: 

As mentioned before hair elasticity is rated from low, average to high:

Average/ High Elasticity-

When the hair is wet it may be stretched 50% of its original length. When hair is dry it may be stretched about 20%.

Low Elasticity

If tension is applied to the hair it will break easily due to poor hair care or damage from being chemically over processed.

  1. Take a single strand of hair from the top, both sides, and the nape of the head.

  2. Slightly pull hair

~If hair stretches and returns to its shape, like a rubber band  then it has average strength.

~ If hair stretches then breaks or does not return to its original length, then elasticity is considered low.

How to improve Hair Elasticity?

If your hair has low elasticity, use of a moisturizing deep conditioner with protein in it to strengthen your hair and restore definition. This will penetrate protein into the damaged cuticle and build its structure from the inside out.

The deep repair treatment uses keratin, a protein naturally found in our hair to strengthen and protect your curls hair while infusing moisture for long lasting hydration.

Deep Repair Treatment
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Hair CareMirna Norales